the first 7 days of 2021

Bill Maurer
Thursday January 7 15:03:14 PDT 2021

    Dear Social Sciences faculty, grad students, lecturers, staff and researchers,

    Well, I have used the word 'unprecedented' an unprecedented number
    of times by now, but here we are yet again, only 7 days into the
    new year. The events at the Capitol yesterday and the ongoing
    political instability in our country only adds to our already-high
    levels of distraction and the unsettled feelings we are all

    Tomorrow at noon, faculty from Political Science and Sociology are
    holding a pop-up virtual panel to discuss American democracy and
    the crisis at the Capitol. Thank you to Graeme Boushey, Director
    of the A zotmail will go out later this afternoon, but you can also
    register via this link:

    In addition, I'm urging everyone who can stay home to do so, and
    to wear a mask if you have to be around others outside your immediate
    household. Infection levels are rising dramatically, and most
    infections can be prevented by just staying home. UC Health is doing
    its best to make this sobering point clear:

    There's a lot we can do as a community to protect each other from
    the virus. There is also a lot we can do to safeguard our democracy.
    Want to express your concerns? Call your representative! Or find
    other ways to learn more or take action (for example, the MacArthur
    Foundation's Strengthening American Democracy program supported a
    range of nonpartisan organizations you can learn more about here).

    Meanwhile, stay safe, and please continue to be generous with each
    other and to take strength from your colleagues, family and friends
    during these ... unprecedented times.

    As ever,
